
Our West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.

Bright Futures and Florida Prepaid

The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program establishes lottery-funded scholarships to reward Florida high school graduates for high academic achievement. Below is the link to Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

So, youre entering college (or getting ready to) and youve got your Florida 529 Savings Plan and/or Florida College Prepaid Plan in hand. Thats a very good thing, but you may be wondering how to take advantage of your college savings, particularly how to use it and what your plan(s) covers. No problem, were here to help. Below are links to the Florida 529 Saving Plan and Florida Prepaid

Below is the link for the Withdrawal Request form for a Florida 529 plan

Students can complete the customer information located at the top of the form. Select one of the two Payment Options listed.

  • Restricted option will pay out at the average tuition per credit hour rate for public college in Florida (see the Florida Prepaid said for current rate information). Student would be responsible for the any difference in tuition cost, or
  • Unrestricted option pays the total dollar amount of the invoice up to the dollar amount available in the plan. Enter the schools name and the city/state for the school at the bottom of the form. Either the student or the account owner will need to sign the form.

Student may also complete the Florida Prepaid Authorization form online:

  • Log into account
  • select the students name
  • a screen will appear showing the students plan  
  • select the option to see usage then select submit authorization

If the form is completed online, student should contact the HCI Business Office Manager to confirm receipt.

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